Saturday, February 28, 2009

Update (2/28/09 - 9:00pm)

Cindy had a surprise visit today from our son Ryan and his fiance Michelle. They drove all the way down from Vermont.
Cindy is resting well now, but she has been pretty nauseous and has been fighting a headache. I'm spending the night in her room with her to keep a close eye.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Ps. 62:1-2


  1. Hello Cindy..
    We are happy with your progress.. You have been in in our prayers. We wish we could be there for you, but know that you are thought of through out the day. Stay strong and keep up the good fight. With all of our prayers and Love.
    Steve, Susan, and Brianna...

  2. Hi Cindy -
    We with all our friends and relatives continue to lift you up in prayer. We are so tickled to hear you have actually shown a sense of humor in all this. This you a strong young woman and we are looking forward to good results after tomorrow's surgery.
    Love you bunches,
    Mom (Dad too)

  3. Hey Mrs. Pretty,

    I, along with many others have been praying for you diligently! Sunday school was not the same without you today. We all love and miss you bunches :))
    Lindsey H.

  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I read each one of them to Cindy.
