Sunday, March 1, 2009

Update (3/1/09 - 3:15pm)

Thank you to those that have posted words of encouragement on Cindy's blog. Know that I read each one of them to her.
Matt, Ryan, and Michelle are here with us now. Cindy is sleeping soundly.


  1. Cindy,
    You and your family have been continuously in my thoughts and prayers throughout your journey. Continue to stay positive and strong. I will be checking in often to get updates on your progress.
    Love, Cheri (cousin)

  2. Hi Cindy & Rick,

    It is wonderful to hear how well things are going. We are praising God for guiding the hands of the surgeons and providing His peace to each of you in this first surgery. We know He will do the same tomorrow. Know you are foremost in our hearts and our prayers. Praise God He is in control and we can count on Him in our trials. You are under His wings!
    Love, Debbie

  3. Dear Rick and Cindy,
    Our hearts have been heavy for you both. We will cover you in prayer tomorrow morning as you enter into round two. Your faith and courage have deeply inspired us. I know that He has you in the palm of His hand.

    We got lots of snow here today but in good ol Ga fashion it has already melted. We saw that you all were going to get a big one there. Be safe Rick and Matt and let us know if there is anything we can do on our end here.
    Much love,
    Scott and Marie Tittle

  4. I will praise the Lord at all times,
    I will constantly speak His praises.
    I will boast only in the Lord;
    let all who are discouraged take heart.
    Come, let us tell of the Lord's greatness;
    let us exalt His name together.
    I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me,
    freeing me from all my fears. Ps. 34:1-4

    Hi Cindy and Rick,
    It is so good to read your updates. Please keep them coming when you can. I thanked Matt this morning. It was great to see him. We are praying with and for you. Great is our God--let us exalt His name together!

  5. Cindy.....the Helms love the Pretty's! Lindsey and I prayed together for you today! We are praying that you will sleep well tonight and that your body will be strong for tomorrow!

  6. Dear Cindy - I am having a sleepless night and am continually praying for your surgery today. We are praying specificall the surgeons hand will not cut the femorl nerve and you will have no limits on your walking when they are done. We are also praying the tumor will be removed quickly and no need to remove kidney or part of colon. Thank God for your courage and strenght through all this. We wish we could be there with you but thank God Rick, Matt, Ryan and Michelle have been with you to comfort and encourage you. We love you. Mom and Dad
