Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update (3/9/09 - 2:00 pm)

A couple items worth mentioning at this time.
We learned our nurse Anna is a fighter - she fights for her patients. At one point this morning, Cindy had gone for her longest walk yet and was resting in a chair in the hallway when another nurse came down the hall wheeling a patient on a bed and was a bit impatient and loud about the fact that Cindy was in the hallway. Well, Anna took charge immediately and went toe to toe to let the nurse know, in no uncertain terms, how inappropriate her behavior was. Anna didn't throw and punches, but I there was a moment that I thought she was going to put the lady's lights out. Anna has been Cindy's nurse more than any other on the floor over the last week and has experienced Cindy's entire battle since the second surgery. We thank the Lord for Anna and for her care and protection of Cindy. Anna joined us today for my reading of blog updates and emails to Cindy. She enjoyed the break from her routine.
The other item worth noting is that Cindy made a "joyful noise" on the commode today. Clearly an answer to prayer. It didn't quite stink up the room, but we'll take it, and we pray for more.
It looks like Cindy will go down for her intravenous catheter in a couple of hours. They have to give her a "twilight" anesthesia for the procedure. The anesthesia is not expected to affect her bowel situation, but please pray that it doesn't cause another bowel setback.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise". Ps. 98:4


  1. Rick & Cindy

    Slow and steady but strong and purposeful wins this race and you are both winners. We pray for you both and now add the interviews to the mix. As noted, Rocky has nothing on you two.

    Al& MaryAnn

  2. Hi Cindy,

    I have been keeping up with your progress but just now felt a need to post. You are definately a courageous lady. I have been praying for you ever since I found out about your battle. Please know you are in my prayers and I also have my church praying for you as well. I can't wait to hear all that you have learned from God while going through this and all that he has tenderly spoken to you. Stay strong - I love you my friend.

    Kathy Buice

  3. Its amazing what we pray about sometimes, but I will certainly pray about Cindy making some LOUD noises! Can't some of you men up there give her a lesson or two?

    Rick, can Jenna come and stay with us for a few days? Might give she and the Stepats a break for a bit. Let me know how you and Cindy feel about that please.

  4. It's great that Cindy has wonderful and caring nurses such as Anna. I'm so glad to hear about the "joyful noise." :) I'll keep praying for her continued improvement.
