Sunday, March 8, 2009

Update (3/8/09 - 1:30pm)

Cindy and I started our morning off by joining our home church service on line ( What a blessing technology can be (at times).
Cindy had a pretty good night again last night. She has been up and out of bed since about 8am today. She even walked across the room. The nurse wants to take her out walking the hall later today. We'll work on dancing after that.
Cindy's bowels are still not functioning properly, so that is our #1 prayer request at this time. She is extremely bloated with air and cannot eat solid food without creating further discomfort. As a result, her body is lacking nutrition and she has lost weight.
Thanks for the constant words of encouragement. Know that I read all emails and blog comments to Cindy. You all are being the body of Christ to us and are a great blessing.

"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
I Thes. 5:11


  1. Hi Rick and Cindy -

    One step at a time. You may not see a great improvement; but we who are reading your blog can see good (albeit not great) progress for Cindy each day. We are all praying as you request and when she can be up and about more, I am sure she will feel better. Activity is not only good for bloated tummys but also circulation. Personally, the longer she can stay in the hospital, the better I feel about her progress. Did her little green tea package arrive? And did Nick and Debbie get there yet?
    Have a blessed day with more progress being evident.

    Much love,

  2. Hi, I have tried to send a note all week, and I couldn't do it. Wendy came over and helped me.
    You're getting there - keep up the good work. Just do a little at a time. Prayers were certainly answered and continue to be. Love, Rita
