Monday, March 2, 2009

Update (3/2/09 - 7:45am)

They took Cindy down to the operating room about 30 minutes ago. I will provide updates as they come in.
Matt and I had a special time of prayer and scripture reading with Cindy late last night. More prayer and scripture reading early this morning. She got some sleep last night. This morning, her spirits were high and she looked strong.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. Particular requests:
1. Supernatural strength for Cindy. She hasn't eaten much in the last 2 days. The Lord will have to be her strength today.
2. Successful removal of the tumor, in tact.
3. Protection of her kidney, colon, and especially her femoral nerve.
4. Supernatural skill, wisdom, and endurance for the surgeons.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
-Romans 12:12


  1. We, with all our friends and relatives are praying with you as I write this. Praise God Matt has been there with you through all of this this. Father in heaven we place Cindy in your total care and pray according to Your perfect will. Thank you that Cindy's spirits were high this morning as she feels Your presence with her. May you cover her with Your wings and guide the surgeons through this. We give You all the praise. Love, Mom

  2. To my dear friend,
    It's been a long journey to get to this point. And God has been so sweet and faithful to show himself real so many times along the rest in the assurance that he is working through the surgeons' hands as I write this. We love you here at home and look forward to amazing accounts of what's taking place in Baltimore. When you get your strength back try to know how I feel about your food intake (smile). With you in spirit and prayer. All my love,
