Sunday, March 1, 2009

Update (3/1/09 - 8:00pm)

Said our goodbyes to Ryan and Michelle. They will be driving back to Vermont tomorrow, so please pray for their safety in the midst of the Northeast snow storm.
Cindy battled headache and nausea throughout the afternoon, and has been in and out of consciousness all day. She was not able to eat anything for dinner. She is sleeping soundly now.
Matt and I are going to grab a bite to eat. I plan to fast all day tomorrow.
Thank you for the continuous prayer support. I am convinced that not a minute went by today without someone being in prayer for Cindy. That is so comforting.
I feel the pressure of the enemy reforming their battle lines to rob and destroy my peace and confidence. I have to continually transfer the burden to Jesus, my shepherd and burden-bearer. The burden is too big for me. I have to trust Him, and I choose to do so. It is powerful to know that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27


  1. Hi Rick, I can feel your burden in your words and my heart goes out to you. The hours must feel like days and weeks. I hope you are able to get a good nights sleep, because you will need to keep your physical strength up as well as your mental and spiritual strength. I'm so glad to hear that things have gone so well so far and I trust that they will continue to go well in the hours and days ahead. I've been praying for Cindy and the rest of the family this weekend and there are dozens more praying with me.

    This morning I had preschool teaching duty for Sunday school and our lesson was on Jesus as the loving and powerful healer and how he healed the man who had been lame all his life. It was a great reminder of how powerful He is and how much Jesus loves us and cares for us and desires for us to be made whole when we are sick or hurting. If you can imagine this, we had a little circle of 3 & 4 year olds holding hands and praying for Cindy and some others who are sick or recovering from surgery. It was so sweet. And I was reminded again of how sweet Jesus is and that he hears all of our prayers and that while we were holding hands praying to him that he was at the same time holding Cindy's hand. He loves Cindy so much and we know that he will work with the surgeons tomorrow to help guide their every thought and movement. As the old song goes, 'tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.

    Do you remember the song by Fernando Ortega "Take heart my friend"? I will leave you with these words and perhaps you will take some encouragement from them - Take heart my friend, we'll go together. This uncertain road that lies ahead. Our faithful God has always gone before us. And He will lead the way once again. Take heart my friend, we can walk together. And if our burdens become too great. We can hold up and help one another. In God's love, in God's grace. Take heart my friend, the Lord is with us. As he has been all the days of our lives. Our assurance every morning, our defender in the night. If we should falter when trouble surrounds us, when the wind and the waves are wild and high, we will look away to Him who rules the waters, who spoke His peace into the angry tide. He is our comfort, our (sunshine) sustainer. He is our help in time of need. When we wander, He is our shepherd. He who watches over us never sleeps. Take heart my friend, the Lord is with us. As he has been all the days of our lives. Our assurance every morning. Our defender in the night.

    When you reach the end of your rope, you will find the hem of his garment. And I can tell you that the hem of his garment has more comfort and peace in it than any you can imagine. I've held it in my hands and been comforted by His lovingkindness. Hang on and rest in His assurances. Peace, love, and rest to your hearts, minds and bodies - Lisa

  2. Hey, Matt. I am praying for you! This song is going through my head - "Jesus, He can move the mountains. My GOD is mighty to save - mighty to save." Our GOD IS mighty.....I pray he will be providing his strength and peace for you & your dad tomorrow.....Love you, bro.....


  3. What a blessing to have your sons with you this weekend! I am so thankful for God's graciousness and provision! Our small group prayed for you and Cindy tonight and will continue to uphold you both, and the surgeons/nursing staff and everyone involved in Cindy's care. Surely He has chosen each one for this special care of His and your Cindy.
    Love, Yolanda and Brian
